I'm using an UltraWebTree and even though I turned the autopostback to false, I expand a branch on the tree and then another subbranch to reveal the children (reasons). After I select the reason, the web page does a post-back (as I said, I have all the post-backs turned to false....so that's confusing) and when I need to perform another action (such as a save of the information), I need the Node from the tree to determine all the parents and their cooresponding paths.
This control was working fine with the 5.3 version but since upgrading (for a .Net upgrade) to the 8.3 version, the node is no longer available (null).
Any helpful information would be appreciated.
This definitely sounds weird. I did some tests on my own with the 8.3 version, but when AutoPostBack was set to false, the treeview did not postback in any of the cases I tried. Is there any way I can reproduce that locally? Can you please send your ASPX markup (and / or any relevant code behind) so we can reproduce the case?
I am just trying to figure out potential problems with the setup, e.g. AJAX, Load On Demand, Client-Side Events, etc - anything that could interfere with the treeview in any way.
Here's my html:
<ignav:UltraWebTree id="reasonCodesTreeView" runat="server" BorderStyle="Inset" BorderColor="#666666"
BackColor="Honeydew" BorderWidth="1px" Cursor="Default" WebTreeTarget="ClassicTree" Indentation="20"
Font-Size="9pt" Font-Names="Microsoft Sans Serif" ExpandImage="ig_treePlus.gif" CollapseImage="ig_treeMinus.gif"
EnableViewState="False" AutoPostBack=false Height="180px" Width="100%">
<SelectedNodeStyle Cursor="Default" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="White" BackColor="#0099CC">
<Padding Bottom="1px" Left="2px" Top="1px" Right="2px"></Padding>
<NodeEditStyle Font-Size="10pt" Font-Names="Microsoft Sans Serif"></NodeEditStyle>
<ignav:Level Index="0"></ignav:Level>
<ignav:Level Index="1"></ignav:Level>
<ignav:Level Index="2"></ignav:Level>
<ExpandImage Url="ig_treePlus.gif" />
<CollapseImage Url="ig_treeMinus.gif" />
<AutoPostBackFlags NodeChecked="False" NodeCollapsed="False" NodeDropped="False"
NodeExpanded="False" />
After I select the item on the tree (the lowest level of the tree), I need to click a button on the page to perform some other action. In the prior version of the control (5.3) and prior version of .Net (1.1), the node information is retained and am able to process the information. With this version, the node information gets lost.