I Want to use validatorcallout extendor with Infragistic webdataedit controls
can any one tell me how i can use it , because i tryed it but error massage popup at wrong place
I looked at implementation of AjaxControlToolkit.ValidatorCalloutBehavior and found that it relies on "target" html element which should be <input> and which id (elt.controltovalidate) is assumed to be equal to the ClientID of control on server.
That means that target can be only a simple control like asp:TextBox which renders its single <input> element with expected id. In order to support built-in dot-net validators, the WebTextEdit uses hidden element with id equal to ClientID. The id of actual visible <input> is different and it may depend on other properties (like enabled/disabled spin buttons).
Unfortunately WebTextEdit and any its extension is not compatible with ValidatorCalloutBehavior.
thanks for reply , but i show in one site one guys taoking about hardcoding some thing in source file and it would be work , can you explain me how and where
i aprriciate your help
this is site path
http://forums.archive.infragistics.com/readmessage?id=%3C336a409b$2d96b370$519d1c@news.infragistics.com%3E&group=infragistics.products.netadvantage.aspnet.webdatainputce code change
Hello Viktor,
I found your solution to make the ValidatorCalloutExtender position properly with WebTextEdit. I found one other issue. Let's say you have 4 required fields on a form. You click the submit button without filling in any value. The first field will have the required message. When you complete that field, click the submit button again. Don't tab to the next field. You won't see the required message for the second field, until you place your cursor in the field. This doesn't happen with the regular textbox control. Do you know how to fix that?
Thank you,
I found the solution at http://robrich.org/archive/2008/03/27/validator-callout-doesnt-display-on-second-control-after-fixing-first.aspx.
It looks like in Infragistics 2012, the hidden fields does not begin with "igtx" anymore. So now the message appears in the upper left corner again.
Infragistics 2009 source code for masked editor field: (working properly)
Hi Trent,
You probably refer to difference between old WebMaskEdit and new WebMaskEditor controls. Those are completely different controls, though, they use similar functionality.
I guess in your codes you should remove prefix "igtxt" and use something like
elem = $get(elt.controltovalidate);
I tried that too but it didn't work. I downloaded AjaxControlToolkit.Source.zip file from:
Do you what else I need to change?
I found the solution. It looks like with Infragistics 2012, the control has ":v:" after it. So I just updated Client\MicrosoftAjax.Extended\ValidatorCallout\ValidatorCalloutBehavior.pre.js with the following change:
var elementToValidate = this._elementToValidate = $get(elt.controltovalidate.replace(":v:", ""));
Now the ValidatorCalloutExtender appears in the proper position.