When i am exporting ultrawedgrid to Excel i am getting issue like this
'/WebResource.axd?d=obwtiHYL6vSIu6GaMtODjZs6kC7qIFU7Bw-ls3Bd61VCo-rqPQy7bjaQzTSncRQmmy22VJiG7B3NjMFkgPw6bNFKVmCSyNHhOa-XRUFD7gU1&t=633398780440000000' is not a valid virtual path.
I am using UltrawebgridDocumentExporter like this
<igtbldocexp:UltraWebGridDocumentExporter ID="UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1" runat="server"
Format="PDF" TargetPaperOrientation="Landscape">
and under click event of Export to pdf button
I don't know where i made mistake
How to solve this issue?
So I have tried very hard to reproduce that one - I used your exact code, plus a lot of additional test scenarios - unfortunately without much success. Each time I got things working just fine.
So let's try to figure out what is going on - are by any chance having custom HttpModule / HttpHandlers in your site? Or especially Url Rewriting once that may interfere with the request? Or are you using AJAX in any way, like Update / WARP panel? Is there anything special in your scenario that may help us reproduce the problem?
I have exactly the same problem. My Grid is in a AJax Update panel
'/WebResource.axd?d=lp2bsUqElYFcZwlrfvkOyTHVXDLSPpptfTwyg5PksHUk78QgZFXNUR68pwsdcsEHRuKOjushbtOVxgVFJjKsvA2&t=633438845944187500' is no a valid virtual access root.