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Changing properties in quick design does not update html

I recently upgraded the webgrid to version 8.2.20082.2011.  I've found that changing some of the properties in quick design and then clicking Apply and OK does not change the html.  I have to manually change the html in order for the changes to stay.  I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and the grids were developed in previous versions of the webgrid and then upgraded.  Is it just me?



  • 28464

    Sometimes I have found that if I debug an application VS does not persist changes in design time. Sometimes even if I appear to not debug, the problem occurs when the built-in web development server in VS.NET crashes (appears in ghost process). Sometimes if the values you change are the default one - in this case no serialization takes place.

    But these are just suggestions. Like Ed said, if you can help us with steps to reproduce the problem, maybe we can provide better suggestions.

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