I have a webtree bound to a webhierarchicalDataSource. This works well for the most part. In this case it's three levels deep. I want to use the built in AJAX functionality of the webtree as there can be a lot of data and the tree bulks out the page's HTML considerably. I have looked at the different LoadOnDemand options and experimented with them and cannot get anything to work along with the webhierarchicalDataSource.
The ideal would be AutomaticSmartCallbacks but when I enable that and click a top level node it simply renders all the top level nodes again under that node. I cannot find anywhere in the documentation information regarding the webhierarchicalDataSource and it's use as a datasource control for other controls using AJAX.
Has anyone else successfully set this up? Any help from Infragistics support?
This doesn't sound like correct behavior to me.
I suggest that you submit a support request so that a Developer Support Engineer can look into this in more detail. If possible, please include a sample project that we can run and debug that demonstrates what you've described, so we can be sure we're running the same code you are.
The standard response from Infragistics is always extremely frustrating me to. A much better way to handle this from my perspective is to provide better samples and documentation. Every time a new control is released it takes several cycles before there is anywhere near the level of documentation that is needed. I have also found there is a hotfix release for 2008.2 but for the life of me I cannot locate a seperate set of release notes for this hotfix. Maybe the issue is fixed in the hotfix, maybe not, but I would like to at least review what is fixed before installing it.
Another perfect example of this is the websplitter control. Works nice in the sample but then again the samples are all using simple standard controls, not infragistics own grids of tab control in split panels which is what users of the toolkit would actually be doing. I am having trouble with this control as well once I start using infragistics controls in the split panels but there is no guidenance to be had.