I have been trying to implement my webcombo box to look like just a standard dropdown list with fail. How do I implement the combo box to just a standard normal dropdownlist
You'd have to set some display properties in order to make the webcombo look like an ordinary dropdownlist, first you'll have to set the hidden property to true for all those columns you dont want to be display (if there's more than 1 in your webcombo) leaving just one with it's hidden property set to false. Another important thing to make it look good would be to set the combo.DropDownLayout.DropdownWidth to be just as wide as the cell it's embedden in. I'm sure there has to be more but those two are some important ones I can remember ritght now.. Please let me know how it goes.
I have tried your changes but it still does not work. The webcombobox works perfectly fine to change it to a normal dropdown list when I have manually added a collection of rows. It has a problem when I have have bounded it to an objectdatasource thus showing two columns being the DATATEXTFEILD and the DATAVALUEFEILD of which I want the dropdownlist to only show the DATATEXTFEILD.
Can you still help?