Hi All,
I want to know what is the difference of RefreshTargetIds and TriggerControlIds property in web asyncRefreshpanel. Looking both are same actions.
Hello Sudheer,
Both properties refer to a list of controls outside the WARP instance that the WARP can interact with, however RefreshTargetIDs is the list of controls outside of WARP which will be refreshed by the WARP async refresh (even though they are outside the WARP content), while TriggerControlsIDs is the list of controls that trigger (start) the WARP async refresh, even though they are outside the panel.
More info can be found in our online help available here (in the API section):
Public Property RefreshTargetIDs As String
public string RefreshTargetIDs {get; set;}
The list contains UniqueIDs of controls separated by commas.
If the item in list does not represent ICallBackResponseRenderer, then support is limited or it can be not available. In controls such as TextBox, DropDownList, CheckBox, etc, the only data-property is updated. An unknown 3rd party control should have property Text or Value and the "value" of an html element with id equal to items in list are updated.
Infragistics.WebUI.Misc Namespace > WebAsyncRefreshPanel Class : TriggerControlIDs Property
Public Property TriggerControlIDs As String
public string TriggerControlIDs {get; set;}
The list contains UniqueIDs of controls separated by comas.
The ID-item in list can start with the "*" character as a wild card and in this case all contols which UniqueIDs end with that value will be included. That can be useful when a control is located in a INamingContainer such as UserControl.
The ID-item in list can end with the "*" character as a wild card and in this case all contols which UniqueIDs start with that value will be included. That can be useful when a control uses an id of its child-control in __doPostBack, like a cell in GridView.
Different WebAsyncRefreshPanels can not have the same triggers.
That the property is passed to the client as it is. It will have the effect only if the client has html elements with corresponding ids. For example, aspx Button control renders the INPUT element which click event triggers submit. The id of that element is equal to ClientID of Button. So, the UniqueID or ClientID of Button can be used in that method. Another example, aspx TextBox control with enabled AutoPostBack may call function __doPostBack with value of its UniqueID as a first parameter. So, the only UniqueID of that TextBox can be used in that method.
Thank you for your early response.
Thank you,