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Display Child Property In Grid

I want to bind a grid to a collection of objects.  Mostly I will just display properties of the objects. This is simple. But, I also want to display properties of those properties. Is that possible with the ultragrid? Has someone got an example somewhere? Is there instructions for doing this? In a sense what I am asking is how to display heirarchical object data in a flat grid.

This is an example of what I want to display






  • 28464
    Verified Answer

    I found a related post here, that relates to binding a list of complex objects (objects with nested sub-objects) and how to display them in stock asp:gridview control, but I am pretty sure the same principles can be tried with UltraWebGrid. The technique revolves around using templated columns and using databinding expressions to map to the respective complex sub-property, e.g. <%# Eval("User.UserName") %>

    You just have to make sure you have public properties exposed for the properties you need to use. 

    More info can be found here: 

    Please, let me know if this helps. 

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