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Please stop using Open Sans as the default!

Open Sans is a horrible font, is there any chance that you could change the default font to something even remotely better? It is SO narrow and small, it's nearly impossible to read at normal sizes. 

Further, it does not look the same in the editing mode as it does in the preview/run mode, which means you can't really plan spacing well. 

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  • 1655
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi, Mike!

    A lot has been going on since you wrote. I'm glad to tell you that our current version supports Google fonts and we have improved the experience when being in mac Retina environment.

    Regarding the default font, we still use Open Sans font but in current version Indigo remembers your last used font and sets it automatically for the new UI elements that you add.

    Once again, thank you for helping us make Indigo better. If you have any questions or more feedback about the product, we'd love to get your thoughts.

    Best regards,
    Indigo Studio Team

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