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Cannot bind nested value as 'valueMemberPath'

I am trying to reproduce this sample but my data has a different structure. I have to do something like:

series: [{
name: "series1",
type: seriesType,
angleAxis: "angleAxis",
radiusAxis: "radiusAxis",
angleMemberPath: "measure.angle",
radiusMemberPath: "measure.radius"

where my data source is a collection of objects which have a measure property. Currently this property is an object with two properties - angle and radius, but I might need to use it as an array, too. So 'measure.angle' would become 'measure[0]' and 'measure.radius' - ''measure[1]'. I have tried both scenarios and none of them worked, while having angle and radius as top-level properties works but is not an option in my case. Is there a way to set these binding properties to nested values?

  • 11095
    Offline posted

    Hello Tencho,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support!

    We are currently looking into this matter and will keep you posted of any available information.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us with any updates or additional questions regarding this scenario in the meantime.

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