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Custom attribute in infragistic grid cell

Hi All,

I would like to add a custom attributes to each cell in ignite ui grid and attribute value should be the column header value and index value of grid.

e.g. <td Name='Niranjan' Day='1'></td>

Here in above example Name value should be the

Can anyone help me out?

Thanks in Advance!!


-Niranjan V

  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello Niranjan,

    Try using column template like this:

    { headerText: 'Column1' , key: 'Column1', dataType: 'number' , template: "<td Name='Niranjan' Day='1'>${Column1}</td>" }

    From what you describe it looks like those values are static. If not, you can use hidden columns to get the data from them (using the fromat ${ColumnName} to reference the column in the template) and populate the attributes with dynamic data.

    Hope this helps,
    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.

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