HI Experts,
I've put lots of thought into how to make this done, but still no luck.The difficult part of this is all inner grids shares the same columns with outer gird. My datasource is grouped by school first, then by department. But notice, school column is on the outer grid, but department is not outer grid's column. I'd like to show the department row right beneath the school row, with no indent needed. And the inner grid's header is hidden. Actually the outer grid has all headers of both outer grid and inner grid. Please help, thanks in advance.
Hello Ming,
Regarding the header question, I can suggest you to hide the child grid (inner grid) header by setting showHeader option to false and in order to show this header in the parent grid (outer grid) you need to do it manually as for example create similar table and append it to the parent grid table. Regarding your second question about positioning child row right beneath the parent row, I assume that this could not be achieved because the child grid table offset is because of the data-skip column that holds the expand/collapse sign. If there's no such column, then how would you demonstrate the hierarchy of your grid? If you have any further questions, please let me know.
Hi Tsanna,
Thank you for your reply. What do u mean "create similar table and append it to the parent grid table"? I assume what u mean is to create the same schema with the inner datasource. So my "MIT" and "cs departement" line has all 7 properties, but only the first school property has data.
And when I resize the outer grid column, I put code in http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2015.1/ui.iggridresizing#events:columnResized event, get all inner grids, and call igGridResizing("resize", ourerGridColumn, widthOfOuterColumn) to resize all inner grids' columns. Do you have a demo for this?
Thanks in advance.