Setting spellcheck = false programmatically using below code in igCombo is not working in iPad.
I need to turn of spell check in my application even it is turned on in iPad settings. Please let me know how to fix this.
function removeSpellCheck(){
}else if($(this).attr('spellcheck') == "true"){
Any updates on this?
Hello Ramya,
Could you provide a little more detail about what spellchecker you mean? Is this something more like the red squiggle that appears under a word to show it is misspelled or more like Apple's autocorrect?
If it is the autocorrect feature then you will also want to add in settings for autocorrect="off". For more information please see this stackoverflow discussion:
Hi there,
Try removing all checks inside your logic and simply set the attribute to false to see if that removes the spellcheck.
$(this).attr('spellcheck', false);
Then inspect the DOM to see whether the attribute is rendered on the igCombo input. The attribute should be there carrying a false value, if it's not then your selector doesn't find the correct element. The igCombo has an API method to retrieve the igCombo text input:
$("#ComboID").igCombo("textInput").attr('spellcheck', false);
Let us know if this makes it work.
Thank you for using the Infragistics forums!
Could you provide me with the details of how you have implemented your page? Specifically, can you provide me with any markup and JavaScript you are using. I have not been able to reproduce the red squiggle so far in my tests, and having your code will help me match your scenario as closely as possible.
It is red squiggle that appears under a word to show it is misspelled