I need to be able to unsort a column in single mode. As of now for 13.2.20132.2157 there doesn't seem to be an API available. I can clear or change the sorting expression but then I would have call data bind on the grid which re-renders the entire data source. I don't want that. I just want to clear the sorting and restore the original state.
How can I do this?
The current unsortColumn method returns in single mode. Other examples require a data bind. When the data source is set to remote, it causes the page to get the data again for no reason.
Hello Daniel,
I investigated this and I am afraid that one will not be able to clear the sorting without calling dataBind. However you will be able to change the sorting expressions without dataBind, but I guess you are aware of that option.
Regarding your statement that dataBind causes the page to get the data again for no reason - actually this is the initial purpose of the dataBind method - causes the grid to data bind to the data source (local or remote) , and re-render all of the data as well.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance to you on that matter.
What happens when the sorting expression is changed? When I change it I notice nothing happens. Is there a method to call to force the new expressions to update the UI (other than data bind?)
When I am changing the sorting on the UI by clicking, the action happens almost immediately. If I manually set the expressions programmatically and call data bind the data disappears and repaints itself which make take up to 2 seconds. I don't like the fact that the behaviors are different between the UI and the API. To clear the sorting expressions I expected that it would accept an empty array to simulate that nothing but it isn't working that way.