I have a Grid with only 2 cells that are both combo/dropdowns. I need an event that fires when the value has changed. I've looked at the cascading samples but that seems to be fired on the editCellStarting. I've tried to use editCellEnding but that does not seem to fire unless I click Done and I don't want to display that ( showDoneCancelButtons: false,) What do I need to do to trigger an event
Hi William,
Thank you for posting on our forums.
It is my understanding that you want an event to fire when the value of a cell has changed. You should be able to achieve this using the iggridupdatingeditcellended event when the igGridUpdating editMode option is set to cell.
The following jsFiddle link can be used to view a sample which demonstrates the iggridupdatingeditcellended firing as expected: http://jsfiddle.net/jv7L6sc0/
Please let me know if the iggridupdatingeditcellended event works for you.
This is very close and useful but it seems that you have to exit the cell in order for the event to fire. If I change the value in the drop-down from UK to USA under Country then nothing happens until I leave the cell. Is there anyway for an event to fire with just a change of value?