Do you know a which configuration of Html or Ajax helper tags would allow calling a procedure with a get method? I need to simply generate a link that can call a jQuery method without posting to the page. The method called interacts with igTree in the jQuery.
Any ideas?
Donny Kerabatsos
Hello Donny,Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support!I am not sure that I understand you, could you clarify what is your goal? Do you mean, that you need something similar to the following. If you can, provide a code sample what you have managed to do so far.
So far we have the data bound grid and temporarily using javascript JSON. The data layer is working. However the view isn't working as expected.
When trying to switch from this:
< but_ton id="btnAddAndNode" style="width:175px;">Add AND Condition< / but_ton><br />
to this:
@Ajax.ActionLink("Add AND Condition","AdHocQueryTool/Index", new {}, new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "GET" })
The link fails to act like the standard HTML button. The HTML button calls jQuery and adds/removes/manipulates the nodes just as expected. The actionlink doesn't do anything even with the same name and GET as method.
Perhaps it's configured incorrectly? Perhaps the HTML button is recommended? Perhaps I'm losing my mind? One of these things I am certain of.