New to Ignite grid. We implemented that grid in MVC . We need to get the Last Clicked column in Grid.
Requirement 1.
We add Load more button if user click the Load more button we passed last Clicked sorted column and loaded in Grid again based on that Sorting to maintain.
Requirement 2:
Lazy loading in that grid if user scroll last window we pass the value and load some more data .Here also sorting needed.
Hello Kannan,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
Could you please clarify the issue for me by answering the following questions?
1.) Does the grid not automatically maintain the expected sorting when loading new rows?
2.) What version and build of IgniteUI are you experiencing this with? e.g. 14.1.20141.2249
3.) Are you using remote or local sorting?
4.) For requirement 1, are you saying you are storing the sorted column details and reapplying the sorting after the "Load more" button is clicked?
5.) For requirement 2, are you saying that the same sorting issue occurs when using loadTrigger: "auto" for the Load on Demand feature?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for the mail . I wounder that Grid maintain the same sorting While loading again. We have the license for 12 .2 ...
Req 1: We fetch the data ( 10 Records ) from DB and load grid . When user clicks the Load more button again we fetch 10 more data add it grid ( old data maintain in session)
Req 2:The same concept we try to implement Lazy loading.
Project flow : Button click - Ajax json - DB call- bind
we use sorting type is "local" .But still am not Clear about diff b/w local and Remote.
If you are proving any sample it will be helpful