I want to select a row from my igGrid and when submit button is clicked, I want that entire row to be passed down to the action method of the submit button. How can I do that ?
I have set features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);
Is there a way to pass the entire row which was seleected to the action method or could i atleast get the id of the row selected.
Also is there a way other than using Jquery, Is there a .feature=> property through which we can pass the row or row id on button click. If not then please tell me how to do it through Jquery.
I need to know this urgently. Any help would be appreciated. also I have read the IgnitUi's website demo but still i cannot seem to achieve what i want .
If you could provide a short working sample , that would be great.
Hello zeppelin led,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
I see you have posted this question in another forum thread. Please see my response to this issue in your forum post here:
Yes your provided solution worked for me, thanks alot.
Can you please tell me how can i persist the selected item of igCombo on MVC's postback. When I select an option from the igCombo and click the submit button the combo loses the selected item on postback. I think this has something to do with model binding but i am not sure. Is there a property of igCombo to persist the the selected value on postback or is this an Asp.Net MVC query?