gridIDMap = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGrid' )
this used to work, on the latest update I get
Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #myDiv0_table_ROW#
Hello seang,
It seems that there is a syntax error in your code. What is the value of your gridID variable? Do you have semi-colon after your first line? Have you tried to call the destroy method like this: $("#" + gridID ).igGrid('destroy');
gridID=; from the dataRendered: function it give the value #myDiv0_table //this looks wrong to me? Did something change here?
I tried $( "#myDiv0_table" ).igGrid( 'destroy' ); but same error.
I have used this since 2012
dataRendered: function ( evt, ui ) {//init after grid is ready var gridID =; INSTANCE.gridID = gridID; INSTANCE.gridIDMap = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGrid' ) INSTANCE.igGridSelection = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridSelection' ); INSTANCE.igGridSorting = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridSorting' ); INSTANCE.igGridUpdating = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridUpdating' ); INSTANCE.igGridResizing = $( "#" + gridID ).data( 'igGridResizing' );
this I have used since 2012 as well
dataSheet.prototype.close = function ( width, height ) {[this.ID].chartGraph.destroy(); this.gridIDMap.destroy(); };
the error came from the last update, so its something the new update is doing different.
On which row you are getting this error? I tested your code and it worked well for me. Can you share a small sample that reproduces the issue?
yes it did thank you.
I'd suggest you to install the IgniteUI latest service release, which is version 20141.2031. Go to our website - Account - Keys and Downloads, select your product and click the Service Releases tab.
Let me know if you still have these issues with this version.
No need I found it ;)
ok this works
$( "#myDiv0" ).igGrid( 'destroy' );
this does not
$( "#myDiv0_table" ).igGrid( 'destroy' );
So why did before point to myDiv0 but since the last update it now points to #myDiv0_table. To fix my issue I just remove the _table part you added for that latest release. Was this an intended change? So to put that in code I had to add
INSTANCE.gridIDMap = $( "#" + gridID.substring( 0,gridID.length - 6 ) ).data( 'igGrid' )
How could your code work? what do you get for; ? why would our code differ? I have 14.1.20141.1020
I guess there are more error with the update because I get this error on one table I make
table = [{"AM":"12.13","ROW#":"4.99999"},{"AM":"6.78","ROW#":"4"},{"AM":"3.78","ROW#":"3"},{"AM":"2.11","ROW#":"2"},{"AM":"1.18","ROW#":"1"},{"AM":"0.66","ROW#":"0"}]