I am using IgTree Ignite UI control with knockout bindings but the tree view is not getting updated when I changed my view model.
In the given code base on click of tree ("Baby 2013" node) node event I am trying to add new JSON subgroup object to the subgroups array of the corresponding node JSON object, its getting added to the array but not reflecting the changes of the array in the tree view so I am not able to see the newly added subgroup value in the tree hierarchy.
Is there any issue with tree view or Knockout library?
Hello Praveen,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I am looking into the details of the case. I will get back to you with more information as the week progresses. If you have any questions, please let me know as well.
Hi Vivian,
We need quick information on this problem since we need to decide the approach, as we thought of using knockout will reduces lot of developers effort to update UI elements as soon as the view model gets updated.