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Add row to to hierarchical grid using api(adding child row to subgrid and add father row)

Hi, i was tryind to do a add row to a hierarchical grid, using the api available.

The problem is that when when i add a root row , and then call savechanges it detects the root row and add it to the database, if i try to add a child row it ig_transactions come empty according to firebug.

if i add a new father row, then add a child row to another father, the ig_transactions comes with a miscellanious info about..

i am using your example of ighierarchicalgrid

i add the add row features to root row and child row..

so in this first image we can see the grid and the grid is load with some info.

grid sample

i then press add new row, and add a root row with some data, then i press the save button that call me the a action defined in UpdateUrl(Url.Action("save"))

the method save is called and the ig_transaction has this value


lets try that with 2 root rows


from this lines of ig_transaction we can see that we are creating new rows with some info inside..

but we can also see that ig_pk is 5(infragistis grid primary key is that???)what is the meaning of this vallue 5 and the meaning ig_pk?

but this is not the only problem/doubt that i have...

grid sample 2

the second image i am trying to add a root row, and then i am trying to add a child row to the root row number 2..

if i press save te ig_transacation send this [{"type":"newrow","tid":"d880","row":{"ig_pk":5,"ID":6,"Name":"sasas","IsActive":false},"rowId":5}]

as you can see it only send the information regarding the root row that was added,,,

what is the problem...

in the ig_transactions it should send the info about the 2 rows, the parent and the child row..

the method save is something like this

        public ActionResult save()
            GridModel m = new GridModel();

            JsonResult result = new JsonResult();
            Dictionary response = new Dictionary();
            List ListCustomer = new List();

            ViewData["GenerateCompactJSONResponse"] = false;
            List<Transaction> categoryTransactions = m.LoadTransactions(HttpContext.Request.Form["ig_transactions"]);
            foreach (Transaction t in categoryTransactions)
            List<Transaction> productTransactions = m.LoadTransactions(HttpContext.Request.Form["ig_transactions"]);
            foreach (Transaction t in productTransactions)

            result.Data = response;
            return result;

i have uploaded a example project with clients and produtcs..
Parents Reply Children