Hi,I already wrote a post about this problem, but I don't have a solution.Sorry to have to write a post again (see http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/86514/432978.aspx#432978)
I am trying to use igHierarchicalGrid with several levels.As I understand one sub-grid is generated for each level.
I would like to recursivelly loop inside the list and for each "node"/grid, I would like to know if it is a leave (last level). So :
1 - if it is not a leave I should be able to expand or collapse the level
2 - if it is a leave I should be able to change grid options (ex : editMode)Examples I found allow to browse first level only.Do you have an example of code to achieve this two points ?Thanks for your help.Alain.
Dear Cosoluce_Stones,
Thanks for using Ignite UI controls.
What I can suggest for achieving your requirement is binding the grid on igchildgridcreated event and checking whether the grid has expandable rows. The following code snippet illustrates my suggestion:
$("#hierarchicalGrid").on("igchildgridcreated", function (evt, ui) { if ($(ui.element).find("td[data-parent='true']").length > 0) { $(ui.element).igGrid("option", "caption", "not leave");} else { $(ui.element).igGrid("option", "caption", "leave");}});
Please note that grid options could not be set at runtime. For example, the edit mode could be set/get at initialization only.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions regarding this matter.
Best Regards,Stanimir Todorov
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.