I am using a datasource in my .igCombo() which returns json data comprising of several {"id":"name"} items . They have no header or key information like 0:{"Key":"id","Value":"name"} , so that I don't have any pre demarcated valueKey option.
I am trying to declare a json schema like
var jsonSchema = new $.ig.DataSchema("json", {fields:[ {name: "zoneId", type: "string"}, {name: "siteName", type: "string"}] });
But , as soon as I bind this
var ds = new $.ig.DataSource({ type: "json", dataSource: url, schema: jsonSchema });
It hits my datasource and without any skip or top values and no data is being returned from there.
How to work in such cases , or do I need to modify the json response to always include predefined valueKey options in the response.
Hello Debashish,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
I assume by valueKey you mean responseDataKey option of the grid. It is not required in this case. I tested your scenario and it works correctly. You only have to call ds.dataBind() after defining the data source. Then you can get the actual data: ds.data().
Let me know if this helps.
Hi Nikolay,
My problem still persists.
I will give my implementation here :
var ds = new $.ig.DataSource({ type: "json", dataSource: url, schema: jsonSchema }).dataBind();
$("#campaign_options").igCombo({ autoComplete : true, autoSuggestion: true, filteringType : 'remote', dataSource : ds.data(), responseDataKey : "response.data", //which key in the JSON response we should look for the drop down data. responseTotalRecCountKey : "response.totalRecordsInServer", //which key we should look for the total record in server side. loadOnDemandSettings : { enabled : true, pageSize : 20 }, dataSourceUrl: url, width: "250px", filterExprUrlKey: 'startsWith', virtualization: true, valueKey : "zoneId", textKey : "siteName", headerTemplate : '<div id="comboHeaderTemplate" class="comboTemplates">Filtered Names</div>', itemTemplate: '<div class="comboItemContainer"><div class="empImage"> <img src="/img/lilimg.gif" width="64px" height="64px" alt="${zoneId}"/> </div> <div class="empInfo"><span class"=empName">${siteName}</span></div></div>', footerTemplate : '<div id="comboFooterTemplate" class="comboTemplates" class="boxed"> {0} of {3}</div>', nullText : 'No Result',
Now , backend server logic is such that , on every call it will read the $top and $skip parameters and slice the data starting from $skip value and including $top number of rows.
In this case as soon as .databind() event is fired , an ajax call http://localhost:9004/myproj/getdropdownlist?_=1394020227989 is fired without the $top or $skip parameters and hence no data is being returned.
I am not sure where I am doing wron . Is it not the correct away I am implementing my logic.
For your reference , I am also attaching a sample sub set of the json data that I am generating in the backend.
{"response":{"data":{"-1":"All Campaigns","25_g":"HelloTests","43_g":"jk camp test","45_g":"Mm CampGroup 0430","9_g":"new - i test - new","44_g":"New Group 0408","2325":"AA-MM_EyP","2395":"AA-MM_EyP -New 06\/10\/10","2729":"AA-MM_EyP -New 06\/10\/10 -New 08\/17\/12","2412":"AA-MM_EyP -New 06\/14\/10","2586":"Ad Network Test new","2583":"add west test","2328":"ADEXCHANGER CPC 10","2567":"ADEXCHANGER CPC 5","2497":"aditic test campaign","2581":"aditic test campaign -New 11\/01\/11"},"totalRecordsInServer":16}}
{"response":{"data":{"-1":"All Campaigns","25_g":"HelloTests","43_g":"jk camp test","45_g":"Mm CampGroup
0430","9_g":"new - i test - new","44_g":"New Group 0408","2325":"AA-MM_EyP","2395":"AA-MM_EyP -New 06
\/10\/10","2729":"AA-MM_EyP -New 06\/10\/10 -New 08\/17\/12","2412":"AA-MM_EyP -New 06\/14\/10","2586"
:"Ad Network Test new","2583":"add west test","2328":"ADEXCHANGER CPC 10","2567":"ADEXCHANGER CPC 5"
,"2497":"aditic test campaign","2581":"aditic test campaign -New 11\/01\/11"}