Im using openstreetmaps background, maps show blurred and text pixelated, more or less depending on zoom level. Is there some parameter to get better images from openstreetmaps provider?
Hello Isidoro,
Do you see the similar issue with our online sample as well?
Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
Yes I think is because the same image is interpolated in several levels of zoom. Is possible to obtain images at more zoom levels? Or limit zoom to leves where images are available (as openstreetmaps do in their web site?)
Hi, could you provide more information about the device you are using? Is this a retina ipad by any chance? Or is it a desktop? If the latter, do you have any zoom scale applied to your browser? Or are you at 100% zoom?
BTW, the images from Open Street Map are at discrete levels, so there aren't really in between images to use. We select a close match for your zoom level and display those. If an image download is pending, then you will get blurry images until the more appropriate level is downloaded, at which point the higher resolution image will crossfade into view.
Note, though, that these are bitmaps, so if anything is scaling the content of your site (browser, ipad retina scaling, etc) so that those images are displayed over more pixels than they were intended for then they will appear blurry even if we think we are displaying images from the appropriate scaling tier. If this is a high DPI scenario, such as on an ipad retina screen, then you may need us to artificially increase pixel density. We do actually have a property coming to aid in that in a future service release, but it would help to know your exact use case so that we can make sure to make sure we have it covered.