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Row Edit Template Issues

I am facing 2 issues while using Row Edit Template. I am using Infragistics.Web.Mvc v4.13.1.1012.

1) setting rowEditDialogWidth and rowEditDialogHeight.

2) Using TextArea or setting editorType to MultiLine for one of the column. Could I set this up in script tag added for rowEditDialogRowTemplate1?

 Below is the sample code for Updating feature added in igGrid.

                    name: "Updating",
                    enableAddRow: true,
                    showReadonlyEditors: false,
                    enableDataDirtyException: false,
                    editMode: "rowedittemplate",
                    rowEditDialogRowTemplateID: "rowEditDialogRowTemplate1",
                    rowEditDialogHeight: 400,
                    rowEditDialogWidth: 800,
                    rowEditDialogFieldWidth: 600,                 
                    enableDeleteRow: false,                    
                    startEditTriggers: 'enter dblclick',                                       
                    columnSettings: [{ columnKey: "Id", readOnly: true },
                                            { columnKey: "column1", editorType: "Text", editorOptions: { readOnly: false }, required: false, validation: true },
                                             { columnKey: "column2", editorType: "text", validation: true, required: true, editorOptions: { textMode:"multiLine", maxLength: 5000, height: 200, width: 600 } },                                              
                                             { columnKey: "column3", editorType: "text", validation: true, required: true, editorOptions: { button: "dropdown", readOnly: true, dataSource: allPageCodes, textKey: "Text", valueKey: "Value", renderMatchItems: "multi" } }]                                      


Please let me know if there is any work around for these issues. Thank you..

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