I want to have certain column header text to be in different color than others. Also, the columns are dynamic, in the sense that the user can change which columns to be visible and which ones not.
How can I specify certain columns to have different header text color?
Thank you
Hello Krishna,
You can achieve that using CSS.
Each column header has an unique id which is a combination of grid id and the column key. Example #grid1_ProductID, where "grid1" is the id of the grid and the "ProductID" is the key of the column.
Here is an example on how to set column header color to blue for the MakeFlag column for a grid with id=grid1:
<style type="text/css"> #grid1_MakeFlag { background: blue; border-color: blue; }</style>
Hope this helps,
Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
I have tried using the css you mentioned. Also tried using '!important', but it doesn't seem to work.
Is it possible to send an example?