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Checked nodes all have the same 'data' instead of the object that relates to the specific node

Basically, it doesn't matter which nodes I checked, every node in the checkedNodes array has the data corresponding to the first item in the data hierarchy. So if I've had the following tree data:

 - Parent
  - Child
  - Child

Then the data() of Parent and both Child nodes will be the data for the Grandparent node.

I am binding the tree data using knockout JS. I am using version 13.1.20131.2143, same issues occurs in Firefox, IE and Chrome.

This is my tree:

            <div id="selectorTree" data-bind="igTree: {
                dataSource: tree,
                width: '100%',
                initialExpandDepth: 999,
                checkboxMode: 'triState',
                bindings: {
                    textKey: 'text',
                    valueKey: 'value',
                    primaryKey: 'id',
                    imageUrlKey: 'imageUrl',
                    childDataProperty: 'children'

This is my model:

function Model() {
    var self = this;
    self.recipeTree = ko.observableArray([]);

These are the items I add to the tree:

function TreeNode(id, value, text) {
    var self = this; = ko.observable(id);
    self.value = ko.observable(value);
    self.text = ko.observable(text);

    self.imageUrl = ko.computed(function () {
        return getNodeImageUrl(self.value());

    self.children = ko.observableArray([]);

So when I want to get the values of my checked nodes

   var checkedNodes = $("#selectorTree").igTree("checkedNodes");

The Id is always 1 and the value is always the same as the top level node:

    for (var i = 0; i < checkedNodes.length; i++) {
        var node = checkedNodes[i];

        var id =; // Never changes
        var text =; // Never changes

Parents Reply Children