Hello, I want to know how is data source updated after grid is updated with new data.
Here's my app
$.ig.loader({ scriptPath: './javascript_common/igniteui/corefiles/js/', cssPath: './javascript_common/igniteui/corefiles/css/', theme: 'metro'});$.ig.loader("igGrid.Responsive.Hiding.Paging.Updating", function () { $("#grid1").igGrid({ dataSource: '', responseDataKey: "results", primaryKey: 'id', autoGenerateColumns: false, autoGenerateLayouts: false, columns: [{ key: 'id', dataType: 'number', headerText: 'Id', }, { key: 'fullname', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'Full Name' }, { key: 'fname', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'First name' }, { key: 'lname', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'Last Name' }, { key: 'username', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'User Name' }, { key: 'userLevel', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'User Level' }, { key: 'userGroupId', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'User Group' }, { key: 'email', dataType: 'string', headerText: 'Email' }, { key: 'status', dataType: 'bool', headerText: 'Status' }], features: [ { name: "Paging", type: "remote", pageSize: 2, // Default number of records per page. recordCountKey : 'totalCount', // The property in the response that will hold the total number of records in the data source. pageSizeUrlKey : 'psize', // Denotes the name of the encoded URL parameter that will state what is the currently requested page size. pageSizeList : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30], // Default: [5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100]. contents of the page size dropdown indicating what preconfigured page sizes are available to the end user. pageIndexUrlKey : 'page', // Denotes the name of the encoded URL parameter that will state what is the currently requested page index. },{ name: 'Responsive', forceResponsiveGridWidth: false, columnSettings: [{ columnKey: 'id', classes: "ui-hidden-phone" }, { columnKey: 'fullname', classes: "ui-visible-phone", configuration: { phone: { template: "<span>${lname}, ${fname}</span>" } } }, { columnKey: 'fname', classes: "ui-hidden-phone" }, { columnKey: 'lname', classes: "ui-hidden-phone" }] }, { name: 'Hiding', hiddenColumnIndicatorHeaderWidth: 14, columnSettings: [{ //hide unbound from chooser list and indicator columnKey: 'fullname', allowHiding: false }] }, { name: "Updating", enableAddRow: true, showReadonlyEditors: false, dataDirty: function (evt, ui) { return false; }, rowEditDialogOpening: function (event, ui) { if ($(ui.owner.element).igGridResponsive("getCurrentResponsiveMode") != "desktop") { ui.owner.options.rowEditDialogWidth = document.body.clientWidth * 0.9; ui.dialogElement.children('.ui-dialog-content').css('height',ui.owner.grid.element.height() - 115); ui.owner.options.rowEditDialogHeight = ui.owner.grid.element.height(); } var columns = ui.owner.grid.options.columns; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { //use 0 instead of false to be able to differentiate when restoring state if (columns[i].hidden) columns[i].hidden = 0; } }, rowEditDialogOpened: function (event, ui) { var columns = ui.owner.grid.options.columns; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) { if (columns[i].hidden === 0) columns[i].hidden = true; } }, editMode: "rowedittemplate", columnSettings: [{ columnKey: 'fullname', readOnly: true }, { columnKey: 'id', readOnly: true }, { columnKey: "email", validatorOptions: { required: true, errorMessage: "Enter a valid email.", bodyAsParent: false } }] }] });});var grid = $('#grid1'); grid.bind("iggridupdatingrowdeleting", function (e, args) { var result = confirm("Sure to delete ?"); if (result==true) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "users.php?mode=deleteUser", data: { id: args.rowID } }).done(function( msg ) { // alert( "Deleted: " + args.rowID ); }); }else{ return false; } });
Anybody knows how to do this? Its a grid when u click on a row, a new popup comes up with rowdata fields you can change. After clicking "done" how do i post these new data fileds info and update mysql db?
Hello Shiva,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
For updating the Ignite UI Grid please see the following documentation: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/jQuery/2013.1/CLR4.0?page=igGrid_Updating.html
Pleas also look into the commit and saveChanges methods of the grid: http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2013.1/ui.iggrid
Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.
Sincerely, Mike P. Developer Support Engineer II Infragistics, Inc. www.infragistics.com