I read through several posts including these:
I was wondering if it was possible to prevent losing the checkbox selected when clicking into a cell on a row that's not selected?
I have edit mode: 'cell' and rowselectors (with multiselection on). I want to be able to only "select" rows by clicking the checkboxes, and then I want to keep them selected when I click on a different cell to edit within.
Is there a way to do this?
if you use the CTRL or SHIFT keys , then this is multiple selection, therefore previous selection (and therefore checkboxes) aren't cleared. This sample demonstrates this:
Hi Angel,
That's not really what I was asking. Apologies if I wasn't clear. I'm trying to unbind the checkbox so that I can click on other cells and keep them checked. I'm not trying to multiselect anything, I was just saying multiselect was enabled as an option with the checkboxes.