I am looking to modify the 'select page size' header bar and I am looking for an event that fires when that element is loaded. I have tried the other event callbacks such as gridRendered and the element does not exist at this point. Is there an event that is fired when all features are loaded on the grid? I am using IgGrid, IgDataSource with remote paging, filtering, sorting on the latest version of 2013.1.
Hello Bertm13,
You can execute your code after the grid initialization code. This way you'll ensure that the grid with its features will be loaded and rendered.
Alternatively if we talk about the Paging page size drop down you can use an internal event which is not documented: pagingdropdownrendered.
Here is an example code:
$("#grid1").live("iggridpagingpagingdropdownrendered", function(evt, ui) { // put your code here});
Hope this helps,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Thanks Martin,
Using the iggridpagingpagingdropdownrendered works perfectly.
On another note: it may be a big help if you guys released a list of the available internal events, to make it easier for those who want to further manipulate the controls.