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Documentation corrections

First of all, please don't take this as a complaint about the documentation. The work I'm currently doing has required me to go through the Options documentation for igGrid (as well as some of the features) and igCombo.

I came across a number of errors and inconsistencies which are enumerated below. If I'm incorrect about any of these, please reply and let me know as it directly effects the work I'm currently doing. For now I'm going with the assumption that my corrections are correct.


igGrid - Options

adjustVirtualHeights - Type: enumeration, should be bool

caption - Default: null, should be ""

columns -> dataType - Marked as enumeration, but allowed values aren't listed.

defaultColumnWidth - Default: null (null isn't specified as one of the enumerated types)

primaryKey - Defualt: null, should be ""

virtualizationMouseWheelStep - Default: null inconsistent with Type: number


igGridFiltering - Options

advancedModeEditorsVisible - Type: enumeration, should be bool

caseSensitive - Type: enumeration, should be bool

filterSummaryAlwaysVisible - Type: enumeration, should be bool

labels - All the items under labels are marked with a type of object, but should be string

mode - Default: null (null isn't specified as one of the enumerated types)

nulls - Same issue as labels

renderFC - Type: enumeration, should be bool

renderFilterButton - Type: enumeration, should be bool

showEmptyConditions - Type: enumeration, should be bool

showNullConditions - Type: enumeration, should be bool

type - Default: null (null isn't specified as one of the enumerated types)


igGridPaging - Options

defaultDropDownWidth - Type: number - Probably not a documentation issue, but inconsistent with widths specified elsewhere which are enumerations with string and number

pageSizeList - Elements Type: object, should be number

pageSizeUrl - Default: null, should be ""

recordCountKey - Default: null, should be ""

type - Default: null (null isn't specified as one of the enumerated types)


igGridSorting - Options

applySortedColumnCss - Type: enumeration, should be bool

columnSettings - Every columnSetting (except allowSorting) is listed with a default of null, and none are objects or enumerations with null listed as a valid value.

modalDialogGHeight - Type: number Default: ""

sortUrlKey, sortUrlKeyAscValue, sortUrlKeyDescValue - Type: string, but all have a default of null

type - Default: null (null isn't specified as one of the enumerated types)



No Data
  • 37874

    Hello Pete, 

    Thank you very much for this post. I have reported this to our development team, so they can verify and fix the documentation.

    If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to post here.
