I'm trying to use the igGridUpdating addRow method, but it silently fails.
Here's my code:
$('#DocumentPrintOrderGrid').igGridUpdating("addRow", {'Fk_tdoc_title' : 'word up!'});
Here's my grid definition:
$(function () { $('#DocumentPrintOrderGrid').igGrid({ dataSource: '_DocumentsPrintOrder_Grid', autoGenerateColumns: false, autoGenerateLayouts: false, responseDataKey: 'Records', generateCompactJSONResponse: false, columns: [{ headerText: '<span style=\'text-align: left; display:block;\'>Document Print Order<span>', key: 'Fk_tdoc_title', width: '100px', hidden: false, dataType: 'string', formatter: null, template: '<span style=\'text-align: left; display:block;\'>${Fk_tdoc_title}</span>' }], features: [{ sortUrlKey: 'sort', sortUrlKeyAscValue: 'asc', sortUrlKeyDescValue: 'desc', name: 'Sorting', mode: 'single', type: 'local' }, { name: 'Selection', mode: 'row', multipleSelection: false }, { name: 'Resizing' }, { name: 'Selection', multipleSelection: true, mode: 'row' }], jQueryTemplating: false, autoAdjustHeight: false, width: '100%', initialDataBindDepth: 0, renderCheckboxes: true, localSchemaTransform: false });});selectionList - DocumentPrintOrder ');
I'm not sure if you've pasted your real sample, but I don't see in your code the Updating module enabled and configured.
If that doesn't help, could you please create and attach a live running sample?
Also do you see any javascript exceptions/warnings/errors in the javascript debugger console?
Yes, the issue was that I didn't include the "Updating" feature. Thank you. No errors were thrown, no messages in console, nothing.
Again, it would be great if this type of thing was handled through constructor / method contracts or, at the very least, thrown errors. I'm not an api expert, but there's got to be a better way than just letting everything silently fail. I could have solved this issue in 5 minutes instead of having to post to a forum and waiting 3 days for a response.