How can I customize the styles, and templates for the popup window when I am adding/editing a new record into the grid.
Let me elaborate more, based on the online sample here:
Instead of only changing the appearance of the td and tr tags like this:
<style type="text/css"> .tableBackGround { background-color: #FF7283; } .labelBackGround { background-color: #FFE96D; } </style> <script id="rowEditDialogRowTemplate1" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <tr class="tableBackGround"> <td class="labelBackGround"> ${headerText} </td> <td data-key='${dataKey}'> <input /> </td> </tr> </script>Is it possible to change the template completely? Like say if I want to write my own template from scratch yet maintaining all other functionality.
Hello ,
You can find class associated with the element as well as associated CSS classes, using Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar or Firebug for rowedittemplate. Refer to our API document from the link below:
On the above link, click on the “THEMING” tab. You will find classes like .ui-dialog-title, ui-dialog-titlebar.
I hope this helps.