I have a licensed copy of NetAdvantage Ultimate 12.2. I've created a new ASP.NET MVC4 Web Application Project and I used igGrid. When I started application the label "IgniteUI Trial Version" appears in right lower corner of the page. The instalation of the NetAdvantage Ultimate was without problems. How to remove the label?
I opened sample application project and compile it and run it and there is no label for trial.
Hello Ivan,Have you used your product key when you installed the controls or you installed them as a trial customer?
Hi Nikifor,
Yes. I installed NetAdvantage Ultimate 12.2 with my product key. I have 12.1 on the same machine.
Hello isimeon,
I assume you are using CDN to reference our scripts. W have pointed in our online help that we have made changes to the CDN since 12.2 - http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/jQuery/2012.2/CLR4.0?page=Deployment_Guide_Infragistics_Content_Delivery_Network(CDN).html If you replace the link to point to '1021' (or another SR when it is available) instread of 'latest' then the watermark will dissapear. Please let me know if this information helps you to resolve the issue.
I am not using CDN. I installed 12.2 on another machine where no 12.1 or other previous versions were installed and got "css" and "js" folders from C:\Program Files\Infragistics\IgniteUI 2012.2. I put these folders in my project folder. The Trial Watermark disappeared.
At the bottom of the page there is a div element with the following content:
<div style="right: 0px; bottom: 0px; position: fixed; z-index: 1000;" id="__ig_wm__" class="ui-igtrialwatermark"></div>
but Trial watermark does not appear.
In the Infragistics Samples project there is no such div element.
Any suggestions?
Hello,I am with Win 7 64 bit, SP1 and VS 2010 SP1 / VS 2012. I have both NA 12.1 and Ingite UI 12.2 installed. When i use CDN i have the issue with the watermark which is expected. When i add the js files in my project and refer them the watermark is dissapearing. Can you please download the Ignite UI angain and test it because yesterday we changed some of the archive bundles which are available for download on our website. If the issue is still occuring i would ask you to provide me the IP of the server from which you are downloading. To see the IP open up CMD and type "tracert dl.infragistics.com" and the last ip from the route will be the one of our server.