i try to use the Video Control in an asp.net webform (Version 12.1, .Net 4.0). I set the video source to an local mp4 file or a mp4 file on a webserver. I can open the file in an IE9 with no problems (
But the IG VideoControl load and say 'no compatible video source' i each browser i try. Any idea?
Hi Patric,
For the file information I used VLC Media Player (Tools ->Codec Information).
For your convenience I've uploaded the video I converted to the Dropbox and you can download it from here.
Attached you can find sample page with igVideoPlayer which is playing the video I shared on Dropbox.
Note: Tell me when you download the video, so I can delete it.
UPDATE: I also didn't make it work on Safari.
Best regards,
Martin Pavlov
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Martin,
i try to convert the video with the Miro Player to on a Vista Machine, same result. I then used one of the jquery-samples and on Safari i got a strange info.
The version is 5.1.x but the control says i need a browser Version 5.x ?? Do i miss some codecs? Is there a problem with the asp runtime server (casini)? I use the local file system to deliver the videos, is that a problem. I try to convert the video with a lot of diferent converters and all play in media player and so on. But no one plays in the ig video player. Is there a check programm available, that point on wrong format and how to fix?
i used the miro converter to and there was only one configuration for mp4, that i used. What tool do you use fpr the file information? My PC is running Windows 7 64 bit. I try the converter on Vista. I also used HandBrake, same result. Any tips how i can convert in the right format?
I converted your video with Miro Video Converter and it worked. You can see the difference in codecs information between your initial video and the one converted with Miro in the attached image.
the original video i used was a high res quick time format (mov). I try to convert this in a smaler mp4, webm and ogv format. The tools i used to convert was 'any-video-converter' and 'FreeStudio' from DVD-Videosoft. The programms sa they convert in the right version. After your post, i try to use 'media converter' of Adobe. But the video player don't show the converted mp4 file. Why??? what tool should i use?? Any tips for the format and the resolution ?