i try to use the Video Control in an asp.net webform (Version 12.1, .Net 4.0). I set the video source to an local mp4 file or a mp4 file on a webserver. I can open the file in an IE9 with no problems (
But the IG VideoControl load and say 'no compatible video source' i each browser i try. Any idea?
Hi Patric,
igVideoPlayer control actually uses HTML 5 VIDEO tag under the hood. I've tried to create very simple web page with only VIDEO element in it and your video didn't play, so the problem is that your video is not encoded in the right format defined in the specification of the VIDEO element. You can look at Mark Pilgrim's "Video on the web" chapter from Dive Into HTML 5 online book to get understanding of the VIDEO element.
Now I would ask myself: "But why the browsers play the video when it's not embedded into an html page?" and the answer is that the VIDEO tag follows a specification on how the video should be encoded in order to run on many platforms, so there are restrictions (I guess that the browsers check if the video is encoded with one of the supported formats by the specification.)
My advice is to encode your video in one of the supported formats by the VIDEO element. If you manage to run it with VIDEO element, then it will also run with igVideoPlayer.
Best regards,
Martin Pavlov
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Martin,
the original video i used was a high res quick time format (mov). I try to convert this in a smaler mp4, webm and ogv format. The tools i used to convert was 'any-video-converter' and 'FreeStudio' from DVD-Videosoft. The programms sa they convert in the right version. After your post, i try to use 'media converter' of Adobe. But the video player don't show the converted mp4 file. Why??? what tool should i use?? Any tips for the format and the resolution ?
Hello Patric,
Please let us know if you need any further assistance regarding this matter.
Yes, there is a problem with the IIS default configuration. You should add the videos MIME types to the IIS MIME Types configuration. In the following picture you can see the MIME time you should add to your IIS configuration.
Patric said: Btw, in your sample you use the 'igButton'. Is there any documentation for the use of this class, it's properties, events and so on?
Btw, in your sample you use the 'igButton'. Is there any documentation for the use of this class, it's properties, events and so on?
igButton is not documented, because we didn’t include it as part of our jQuery toolset(we use it internally into our controls or as part of our samples). However nothing can stop you from using it. You can see how to use it from our samples.
Patric said: Additional question; as you see on my page, i use the 'bookmarks'-Array. But how can i hide the 'Skip to' frame in the Video Player?
Additional question; as you see on my page, i use the 'bookmarks'-Array. But how can i hide the 'Skip to' frame in the Video Player?
Attached you can find a sample which hides the "Skip to" section from the Video Player. It is nothing more than two CSS rules:
with your help i can make a running sample:
But i must place the video on my DropBox! I f i use my IIS, the page prompt the error with the wrong source format! Any idea what to do by the IIS (I set the Mime Types, but something went wrong). So i think it is a problem with IIS and not with the conversion.
It seems that the relative Urls to the videos are wrong. The following line doesn't contain valid Urls:
sources: ["~/Kurzfassung_x264.mp4", "~/Kurzfassung_x264.theora.ogv", "~/Kurzfassung_x264.webmvp8.webm"],
The correct sources definition should look like this:
sources: ["Kurzfassung_x264.mp4", "Kurzfassung_x264.theora.ogv", "Kurzfassung_x264.webmvp8.webm"],
sources: ["./Kurzfassung_x264.mp4", "./Kurzfassung_x264.theora.ogv", "./Kurzfassung_x264.webmvp8.webm"],
Try it and tell me if it works.
i load the video files to my Dropbox and inserted the links in your programm and it works!
So there is something wrong with my IIS. But there is also something wrong with my local IE and Firefox and the installed codec base. I mean, i used the same converter as you, and in Miro is no way to set some wrong parameters. So if i find the reasons for this trouble i write my own cookbook of do's and don't. I try to load the files on an other Webserver, may be the newer version are too sensible and block too much. Do you have any ideas?
Thanks again for your support,