What is the best way to persist user's changes inside the grid when I'm using remote paging/sorting for the grid ?
The problem right now is that when I make changes on the first page, go to the next page, go back, my changes are gone. I tried doing igGrid('commit') inside updatingDataDirty and editRowEnded event without any success.
$("#grid").on("iggridupdatingdatadirty", function (event, ui) { $("#grid").igGrid("commit"); return false; });
I thought I read somewhere in the API doing commit should solve this issue, I might be missing something here. Please Help.
Can anyone help me with this please.. I'm still stuck
If autoCommit property is set to true grid commits the transactions as rows/cells are being edited. You can also handle pageIndexChanged event and commit changes using below line of code:
You can find mode details on grid API on the below link:
If this behavior is still present, please provide me with the grid initialization code so I may look in to this.
I hope this helps.