I am trying to use the 'transactionsAsString' utility function client side to capture the list of transactions so that I can manually post them to a server side method for processing.
var transactions = $("#grid1").igGrid("transactionsAsString");
Some documentation that I found states..
'This utility function serializes the accumulated global transaction log, not the local one.'
So, when using this function client side, I end up with multiple transactions per row if I have made multiple edits on that row.
My question is simple, how do I get the aggregated (NOT accumulated) transaction list on the client side? This would be the same list accessed through the Request object if using the 'saveChanges' function to trigger the ajax call to the UpdateURL method.
you can set the igGrid's aggregateTransactions (option, or Property if you use MVC ) to true, and this will ensure transaction entries are aggregated. Save changes doesn't perform any aggregation, the actual aggregation is done in real time while you are editing. so you should get the same results for transactionsAsString and saveChanges, when aggregateTransactions is true, because both of those methods access the accumulatedTransaction log, without doing anything extra.
Hope it helps. Thanks
Thanks for the response.
Unfortunately what you say does not seem to be true. Even if I set
I still get back a transaction for every edit made on a row.