For example, if markerType="triangle" used, is it possible to change the size of the triangle?
Hello, cgaoI developed a sample for you which draws scatter series with triangle markers with settings for triangle size and color. It is based on custom marker as Nikifor suggested earlier. Please, find the sample attached. Just to be clear, I'll explain the most important parts: 1. Setting custom marker template. The markerTemplate option is configured with a marker template object.
2. Basic structure of the custom marker object. The measure and render methods are called by the chart widget to draw a custom marker. The extent parameter defines how large the triangle will be.
3. Triangle drawing logic. The logic uses the marker coordinates as a center of a circle and draws a unilateral triangle in this circle.
I hope this can provide you the required functionality. Post here if you need some additional questions.Cheers, Lazar
[Infragistics] Lazar Videnov said:;
Can we set marker outline color to be same as the brush color of line ?
It works! Thank you very much!