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Jquery Grid with knockout and MVC 3 - getting "Function Expected" error

I am using the Jquery grid with knockout and MVC 3 and am getting a "Function Expected" error when the extensions/infragistics.ui.grid.knockout-extensions.js file loads.  The error breaks right at this line of script in the file:  "ko.bindingHandlers.igCell={init:function(c,e,a,f,b){}..."


 I am using igLoader as follows:


<script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("~/scripts/infragistics.loader.js")"></script>


<script type="text/javascript">


scriptPath: "@Url.Content("~/scripts")",

cssPath: "@Url.Content("~/content")",

resources: "igGrid.*,extensions/infragistics.datasource.knockoutjs.js,extensions/infragistics.ui.grid.knockout-extensions.js"



Anyone else have this issue?

  • 245

    I have copied the GridKnockoutjsBasic.html and GridKnockoutjsBasicController from the Infragistics samples into my app and the Northwind files (db and js) and ran it....the text boxes all fill in with the first row data just like in the grid knockout sample however the grid does not display.  I had to remove the "extensions/infragistics.ui.grid.knockout-extensions.js" part  from the igLoader:


        scriptPath: "/Scripts/",

        cssPath: "/Content/",

        resources: "igGrid.*,extensions/infragistics.datasource.knockoutjs.js,extensions/infragistics.ui.grid.knockout-extensions.js"


    or else I get the "function expected" error.   Not sure if removing this is what causes the grid to not show up but if I leave it in I get the error and if I ignore it, the grid still does not display.  



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