I was using grid option AutoCommit to update my grid data after an add/edit/delete acton (note that I am not using batch mode to write on db).
It was all right, but then I decided to introduce Sorting feature and I have noticed this: if I use Sorting, autoCommit does not have effect, I have to refresh the page directly from the browser to let every added/edited/deleted row to be seen. I know for sure that controller action is called and oeprations on db are correctly executed.
Is there any solution?
Hi Flavio,
I've attached an MVC3 sample project to this reply - can you please take a look at it and let me know if you can reproduce the problem you're facing with it?
I tried adding/updating and deleting rows and those operations worked fine with remote sorting.(Please note that I explicitly clicked the "Save Grid Changes" button after each operation in order to post the changes to the server-side)
Just a note: Remote sorting requires data rebinding which truncates any pending transaction so be sure that you are calling the saveChange() API method after each updating operation or before each remote feature operation (sorting for example).
Hi Borislav,
I tested it better. Now I can give you more information about this "problem".
If I've added sorting to the features, but I don't use it (I mean that I am not sorting any columns), then if I add/edit/delete a row, I can see changes immediately happen on my screen view.If I use sorting on a column, then if I add/edit/delete a row I see that row still on my screen view and I have to refresh page to see changes happen. On the db is all correct.
I am calling saveChanges, but I am using local sorting. Is this the problem?