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Colum Chart Rectangle Script Errors

Hi, I'm trying to create a column chart using the following script sniplet.

<script type="text/javascript">
 $(function () {             
   dataSource: new $.ig.JSONPDataSource({
    dataSource: "/Web/Pending/ChartData/IV1040Chart__U8BC75vo7q?Key=U8BC75vo7q5xLGY5yqr%2F6pc%2B7RS1K%2F4hKsseAy8MM5xFg9PzWqUOjcX2I%2Fczs85WD5x%2F%2BTFJchOCMGw2Z7YDkwkXQ5g%2Fspyfk5AqvZ4rfe3ZnbE3TJp7ewKpFaIhHAeVEWPKCqLu0FWmkHtX2hCj%2BCxUZE09Q57yg%2FJHwFkdI8HXO3%2B0ZfLxVb9nrYbGgN0n&Pivot=False",
    type: "remoteUrl",
    responseDataKey: "Table" }),
   axes: [{ name: "xAxis", type: "categoryX", label: "Employee" },{ name: "yAxis", type: "numericY", label: "" }],
   series: [{
  name: "series0",
  title: "SalesTarget",
  type: "column",
  xAxis: "xAxis",
  yAxis: "yAxis",
  valueMemberPath: "SalesTarget"        
   width: "-1px",
   height: "300",
   brushes: [ "#B1C8BC","#883288" ],
   overviewPlusDetailPaneVisibility: "visible",
horizontalZoomable: true,
verticalZoomable: true,
windowResponse: "deferred"

As the chart is rendered I receive the following scripting error,

"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'left': object is null or undefined"

At the following line

this.context().drawImage(this.thumbnailCanvas()[0], rect.left(),, rect.width(), rect.height());

in the "undirty:function(clearRect)" function in ig.ui.chart script file.

Please can u advise on how to get rid of this error, It's kind of killing my VS while debugging although chart does render afterwards.

 Thanks in advance.

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