Hi, I'm trying to create a column chart using the following script sniplet.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#IV1040Chart__U8BC75vo7q").igDataChart({ dataSource: new $.ig.JSONPDataSource({ dataSource: "/Web/Pending/ChartData/IV1040Chart__U8BC75vo7q?Key=U8BC75vo7q5xLGY5yqr%2F6pc%2B7RS1K%2F4hKsseAy8MM5xFg9PzWqUOjcX2I%2Fczs85WD5x%2F%2BTFJchOCMGw2Z7YDkwkXQ5g%2Fspyfk5AqvZ4rfe3ZnbE3TJp7ewKpFaIhHAeVEWPKCqLu0FWmkHtX2hCj%2BCxUZE09Q57yg%2FJHwFkdI8HXO3%2B0ZfLxVb9nrYbGgN0n&Pivot=False", type: "remoteUrl", responseDataKey: "Table" }), axes: [{ name: "xAxis", type: "categoryX", label: "Employee" },{ name: "yAxis", type: "numericY", label: "" }], series: [{ name: "series0", title: "SalesTarget", type: "column", xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", valueMemberPath: "SalesTarget" }], width: "-1px", height: "300", brushes: [ "#B1C8BC","#883288" ], overviewPlusDetailPaneVisibility: "visible",horizontalZoomable: true,verticalZoomable: true,windowResponse: "deferred" }); });</script>
As the chart is rendered I receive the following scripting error,
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'left': object is null or undefined"
At the following line
this.context().drawImage(this.thumbnailCanvas()[0], rect.left(), rect.top(), rect.width(), rect.height());
in the "undirty:function(clearRect)" function in ig.ui.chart script file.
Please can u advise on how to get rid of this error, It's kind of killing my VS while debugging although chart does render afterwards.
Thanks in advance.
I think that may be a timing error with the OverviewPlusDetailPane in the CTP version. If you disable the OPD you shouldn't run into the error. This will be resolved with the RTM version of the product. If you need the OPD visible, maybe enabling it after a certain delay will avoid the issue in the meantime.
You should be able to enable it after the fact by doing something like this:
$("#IV1040Chart__U8BC75vo7q").igDataChart("option", "overviewPlusDetailPaneVisibility", "visible");
after somewhat of a delay.
Hi, I’ve upgraded to the 12.1 release and the issues seem to be persistent.
Thank you.