Hi Team,
I am doing a custom validation for a particular column (BILL_NB) in iggrid .I am able to do the validation but error message (highlighted in yellow) is not displaying in UI . How to display the below error message in UI ,if data is duplicate ?
validatorOptions: { required: { errorMessage: "The Bill Number may not be blank." },lengthRange: { max: 20, errorMessage: "Only 20 characters are allowed" }, custom: { method: function (value,options) { var rows = $("#Pymtgrid").igGrid("rows"); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var currentRow = rows[i]; var currentValue = $("#Pymtgrid").igGrid("getCellValue", $(currentRow).attr("data-id"), "BILL_NB"); if (value === currentValue && $(currentRow).find(".ui-iggrid-editingcell").length === 0) { errorMessage: "Duplicate"; return false; } } return true; }
} } }
Thank you for posting in our community.
The errorMessage has to be a property of the custom object:
custom: { method: function (value, options) { var rows = $("#Pymtgrid").igGrid("rows"); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var currentRow = rows[i]; var currentValue = $("#Pymtgrid").igGrid("getCellValue", $(currentRow).attr("data-id"), "BILL_NB"); if (value === currentValue && $(currentRow).find(".ui-iggrid-editingcell").length === 0) { return false; } } return true; }, errorMessage: "Duplicate" }
I have created and attached a small sample for your reference. Please test this sample on your side and let me know whether it resolves your issue.
Thanks Martin, it worked
I am glad that you have resolved your issue.
Thank you for using Infragistics components.