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Dropdown options appearing below the grid while editing a row with big height


I have an igGrid with a igcombo field and multiple text fields. On entering a lot of text in the text field, the height of the row adjusts automatically. Now, if the row height becomes more than the grid height and if the row goes in edit mode, the dropdown options appear below the grid in a weird way. I have attached a screenshot for clarity. The attached screenshot is from the Infragistics site itself and the behavior is same. The dropdown seems to auto adjust but when clicked upon first to enter into edit mode, it behaves in a weird fashion. Is there a way that the grid scrolls down to the bottom and then the dropdown options align themselves to the bottom of the row or some alternate solution?



  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello Shahrukh,


    What you describe it's an edge case, that's why we didn't account for it in our codebase. If you're ok not to have row expanding with the length of its content I suggest you to enable the igGrid "Tooltips" feature: in your grid. This feature will show tooltip for a lengthy cell content when the user hovers over the cell and will keep the row height intact as a result in edit mode the combo will not be tall and the drop-down will render right beneath to it.


    Best regards,
    Martin Pavlov

    Infragistics, Inc.

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