I'm trying to export an igGrid to Excel. I'm getting an error of "[object Object] is not a supported cell value type". I've tried to use some of the callbacks from the igGrid to debug the issue but it seems that this error is ocurring after all the rows have been processed.
I read one post on here that the GridExcelExporter.exportGrid function uses the templated igGrid cell to export - I think that may be my problem. I'm using a template that takes the data value and wraps it in a div then sets the background color depending on the value. Is there a way to turn this feature off and have the exporter only take the raw data values from the igGrid instead of the templated value?
Hello Erik,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
How are you currently trying to export the igGrid?Do you have an isolated sample you can attach to demonstrate the issue?
I'm just using it as simply as I can,
Yes it is better to keep the code as simple as possible.
You could try excluding the problematic column -
columnsToSkip: "ColumnName"
and maybe have a hidden version of the same column, without the formatting, that would export to Excel.