I want to now how to change the text on the two circled items.
Also is there anyway to move the add new row to the bottom?
I tried to edit this after I clicked 'Post' but I have tried addRowLabel.
dataSource: data, dataSourceType: "json", responseDataKey: "results", height: "500", width: "50%", tabIndex: 1, features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "row", multipleSelection: false }, { name: "Updating", enableAddRow: true, addRowLabel: "Add new message...", enableUpdateRow: false, enableDeleteRow: false, startEditTriggers: "click", editMode: "dialog", columnSettings: [
Hello William,
For changing the rowadding area label, you may use addRowLabel option: https://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2017.2/ui.iggridupdating#options:addRowLabel, for changing the row edit dialog caption label you may use captionLabel option: https://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2017.1/ui.iggridupdating#options:rowEditDialogOptions.captionLabel.
About moving the add row area in the footer of the grid, currently this is not possible as you may see in described in the following forum thread for your reference: https://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-javascript/109558/move-add-new-row-to-footer-of-grid. You may submit a new product idea for this, following the steps listed in the previous link.
If I can provide you with further assistance, please let me know.
I was able to change the addRowLabel by using
features: [ { name: "Paging", pageSize: 5 }, { name: "Filtering", mode: "advanced" }, { name: "Sorting" }, { name: "Updating", locale: { addRowLabel: "Add new unit..." }, enableAddRow: true, enableUpdateRow: true, enableDeleteRow: false,
However the setting the caption label does nothing.
Can you provide a code same as I tried the options in the link and the did not help at all.
I'm sorry I gave you an outdated documentation. Here is the current one: https://www.igniteui.com/help/api/2018.1/ui.iggridupdating. Options which are possible for localization are available and configurable only under locale object. This is the case with the option for changing the dialog caption label. In order to change it, you should use something similar:
{ name: "Updating", editMode: "dialog", locale: { addRowLabel: "Add new unit...", rowEditDialogCaptionLabel: "test" } }
Please let me know if this works for you.
Yes, it's possible. You may attach to editRowStated event and since the grid updating dialog is already rendered at this point you may directly access it and change the text of its title. For example:
editRowStarted: function (evt, ui) { $("#grid_updating_dialog_container").find(".ui-dialog-titlebar").text(ui.rowID); },
Hi,its works for me.Is is possible to show the RowkeyID or column name to show the header
ThanksRobin Bronston D