Hello I'm having trouble declaring the options in the Summary feature using angular.
Here's a fiddle with the example:
What am I missing?
Hello Tiago,
Please note that column settings option and its children are provided as child tags of the main tag which in this case is the summary feature tag. Complex array options like summaryOperands option should be also provided as child tag of the columnSettings option tag. For your reference I modified your sample, so that it works correctly now: http://jsfiddle.net/0nfz6pax/5/
Here is a link also to our documentation: https://www.igniteui.com/help/using-ignite-ui-with-angularjs
If I can provide you with further assistance, please let me know.
Hello Tsanna,
Thanks for your response. I was wondering if i could use a custom summaries from selections in the child table from a the hierarchical grid. The custom summaries is working, but the calculate-render-mode="onselect" its not working on the table.
Here's a fiddle with the implementation: