Hi All!
I use igniteui igTreeGrid component (enableRemoteLoadOnDemand: true) with angular2.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';import { RoutingComponent } from '../navigation/route.decorator';declare var $: any;const dataUrl = '/nodes.json';@Component({ templateUrl: `<ig-tree-grid [(widgetId)]='id' [options]="tgridOptions"></ig-tree-grid>`})@RoutingComponent()export class UsersTreeView { private id: string = 'tgrid'; private tgridOptions: any; constructor() { this.tgridOptions = { autoCommit: true, autoGenerateColumns: false, dataSource: [], dataSourceUrl: dataUrl, enableRemoteLoadOnDemand: true, features: [ { name: 'Resizing' }, //{ name: 'RowSelectors', rowSelectorNumberingMode: 'sequential' }, //{ name: 'Selection' } ], initialExpandDepth: 0, primaryKey: "id", childDataKey: "objects", renderExpansionIndicatorColumn: true, height: "400px", width: "100%", columns: [ { key: "id", headerText: "id" }, { key: "name", headerText: "name" }, { key: "description", headerText: "description" } ] }; }}
And here's nodes.json structure
[ { "id": 0, "name": "Project Plan", "description": "6/2/2014", "objects": [] }, { "id": 1, "name": "Project Plan", "description": "6/2/2014", "objects": [ { "id": 3, "objects": [ { "id": 4} ], "name": "3" } ] }]
1. First node ({ "id": 0, "name": "Project Plan", "description": "6/2/2014", "objects": [] })
is not expanding instead of havingobjects(this is childkey) field array.
2. If treegrid options doesn't have dataSource (I'm using RemoteLoadOnDemand mode) property component gets error -Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
What settings I have lost to include into igTreeGrid to resolve such behaviour?
Hi Roman,
At this point not setting dataSource is not supported scenario. But I investigated this and logged an issue in github, so that we could support loadOnDemand capabilities into an Angular TreeGrid.
You can see the issue here https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-angular2/issues/146
Once we got it solved you could verify your scenario. In my opinion when there is no data source the treegrid should not throw an error "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
Hi, Deyank!
I solved TreeGrid remote filling.
The reson was tha remote json-data must be bounded withDataKeyprop. (f.e. { data : [{......} ]} ).
Another question: how add addittional (remove unnecessary) request parameters which is passing to server side during node expanding?
Hello Roman,
You can specify requestDataCallback and use your custom request to get the data and the additional parameters you want to send.
You could specify this callback into the rowExpanding event.
For example:
rowExpanding: function() {
if (ui.owner.dataSource.settings.treeDS.requestDataCallback === null || ui.owner.dataSource.settings.treeDS.requestDataCallback === undefined) { ui.owner.dataSource.settings.treeDS.requestDataCallback = function (record, expand, callbackArgs) { if (!record) { return; } var opts, me = ui.owner.dataSource, url, path, params, func, s = ui.owner.dataSource.settings.treeDS, args = { record: record, callbackArgs: callbackArgs, expand: expand }; path = ui.owner.dataSource.getPathBy(record); params = ui.owner.dataSource._encodeUrl(); params.expand = expand; url = s.dataSourceUrl + "?" + ui.owner.dataSource._encodeUrlPath(path, record[ s.propertyDataLevel ]); opts = { type: "GET", url: url, data: params, success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var func = s.requestDataErrorCallback, noCancel = true; if ($.type(func) === "function") { noCancel = func(args, data, textStatus, jqXHR); } if (noCancel) { me._requestDataSuccess(args, data, textStatus, jqXHR); } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var func = s.requestDataErrorCallback; if ($.type(func) === "function") { func(args, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); } } }; $.ajax(opts); } }
You can add your custom parameters to the params variable
No you can assign the customEncodeUrlFunc into the rendered event, to make sure the data source is already created:
rendered: function (e, ui) { var ds = ui.owner.dataSource; ui.owner.dataSource.settings.treeDS.customEncodeUrlFunc = function(record, expand){ var dsUrl = ds.settings.treeDS.dataSourceUrl; var path = ds.getPathBy(record); return dsUrl + "?" + "path=" + path + "&depth=" + record[ds.settings.treeDS.propertyDataLevel] + "&additionalparam=foo"; }}
Thank you, DeyanK!
I found that there's treeDS.customEncodeUrlFunc method to overwrite url params.
But igTreeGrid erases treeDS during each rowExpand/Collapse event.
So if form customEncodeUrlFunc after widget's creation
this.treegridOptions = {
create: e => {
let treeGrid = $(e.target).data("igTreeGrid");
treeGrid.dataSource.settings.treeDS.customEncodeUrlFunc = function(rec, expanded){...}
customEncodeUrlFunc will be null
Such is default behaviour?
Maybe there's place in treegrid initialization pipeline where it can be placed only once?