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How to show image instead of text within button displayed in igGrid cell

In my web app, I am trying to replace a number of Bootstrap tables with Ignite UI grid controls.  At the end of each  grid row there is a non-text Edit button with a glyphicon edit image.

In the existing version, I am using a glyphicon embedded within a span element to display the image within the button:


For the Ignite UI version, I am using a column template to set the HTML code but I cannot work out how to get the input element to display the glyphicon image.

headerText: "",
key: "View",
dataType: "string",
unbound: true,
template: ""

The examples that I have come across to embed a button within an igGrid cell use elements and I am basing my code around these examples.  I have tried using a element instead of the element to follow the original Bootstrap tables approach but, bizarrely, when the cell row button is clicked this acts as a form submit.